10 things you can do now to help your creativity block

10 things you can do now to help your creativity block

Are you struggling with ideas for your next project? I can help. Here are the 10 things you can do right now to assist with your creative block

  1. Tap into your subconscious by practicing positive affirmations and meditate to take you beyond your conscious self and into your subconscious mind.
  2. Get your ideas down on paper by getting everything out of your head and writing it down. Just like a brain dump! When it’s on paper, it seems more real.
  3. Fuel your goals and desires by exploring new possibilities, being open to change, and finding every way to expand your skills. 
  4. Always carry a notebook for when you’re out and an idea comes to you.  
  5. Don't go looking for inspiration, let it come to you! Inspiration comes in all different forms. Allowing yourself to go with the flow and let those ideas come to you.
  6. Don't be afraid to step away and relax your mind. Don’t overload the brain. Instead, take a break and clear your head.  
  7. Look around for new ideas. I bet you won't believe where new ideas will appear. Often they are hidden in places where you wouldn't expect them to appear.
  8. Discover other creative disciplines such as photography, film, drawing, and writing.  
  9. Broaden your horizons and do something you haven't done before. This can lead to a new and interesting variety of inspiration. 
  10. Think outside the box and create something new. Start with a dot. MOST importantly don’t put pressure on yourself.
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