5 reasons why creativity contributes to your health and wellness

5 reasons why creativity contributes to your health and wellness

  • Did you know that your health and wellbeing can be improved by creativity?

  • Simply engaging in creative behaviors which can improve your brain function, mental health, and physical wellbeing. So basically, being creative is pretty important!

    So how does creativity contribute to your health and wellness?

    ✨ It increases happiness, reduces anxiety, boosts your mood, and even slows your heart rate, leaving you feeling relaxed as well as activating the right kind of creative juices.  

    ✨ It improves your mental state by calming your body and your brain. How does it do this? By releasing a chemical called dopamine into your brain which is a natural antidepressant. Using your creativity helps manage any negative emotions in a productive way, and painting or drawing can help you express your experiences through your artistic ability.

    ✨ It helps boost your immune system. Some studies show that writing or journaling daily is an effective way to build a stronger immune system. Good reason to stay creative.

    ✨ It elevates your mood. One of the most noticeable benefits of having a creative practice is that it’s a way to elevate mood. If you were to ask most people why they pursue a creative hobby or outlet, they’d likely respond with something like “it makes me feel good”. Many people may not understand fully why their creative expression makes them feel good, they just know that it’s something they have to look forward to outside their normal routine

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